Worship is a profound act of reverence and adoration, where believers come together to honor God through prayer, song, and reflection. It is a time to connect deeply with the divine, surrendering our hearts and minds in gratitude and praise. As Psalm 95:6 reminds us, “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker,” worship invites us to humbly recognize God’s majesty and embrace His presence in our lives.
Worship Support
Worship Hosts (Ushers)
Our dedicated ushers arrive at least 30 minutes before each service to warmly greet worshipers and provide them with worship materials. They ensure that everyone feels comfortable and cared for throughout the service, offering assistance to those with walkers and wheelchairs. After worship, they tidy the worship space, helping to maintain a welcoming environment for all.
Liturgists (Worship leader and reader)
Our liturgists lead the congregation in the call to worship and opening prayer, guiding us into a time of reflection and connection. They read the assigned scripture for the day and lead the prayer of dedication, helping to center our hearts on God’s word. Supported by a detailed worship “tech copy,” they follow clear guidelines to ensure a smooth and meaningful service.
Communion Preparers
Our communion team arrives early on days when communion is served, taking care to prepare the elements of bread and juice with attention and reverence. They ensure the table is ready before the service, setting the stage for this sacred time of sharing and remembrance
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