Who we are
The Place to Belong, Believe, Become.
Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church is first and foremost a place of belonging for individuals and families. Together, in God’s love, we create a caring environment for fellowship, support, and practical help for all persons, especially those facing loss, loneliness, or hardship.
As followers of Jesus, we trust in the promise of God and rely on God’s goodness and grace to fill our daily lives with meaning and hope. We believe Jesus is the living sign of God’s loving presence among us, made real to us by the constant presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
At Shepherd of the Hills, our lives are enriched through connecting with each other, our beliefs are strengthened, and we experience a greater understanding of God’s word. Life takes on a new meaning and our faith is deepened as we become active followers of Jesus Christ. This is the place where faith and life connect!
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