Who we are

The Place to Belong, Believe, Become.

Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church is first and foremost a place of belonging for individuals and families. Together, in God’s love, we create a caring environment for fellowship, support, and practical help for all persons, especially those facing loss, loneliness, or hardship.

As followers of Jesus, we trust in the promise of God and rely on God’s goodness and grace to fill our daily lives with meaning and hope. We believe Jesus is the living sign of God’s loving presence among us, made real to us by the constant presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

At Shepherd of the Hills, our lives are enriched through connecting with each other, our beliefs are strengthened, and we experience a greater understanding of God’s word. Life takes on a new meaning and our faith is deepened as we become active followers of Jesus Christ. This is the place where faith and life connect!

Plan your visit

What to expect

Here at SHUMC, our culture is centered around community. We welcome everyone, and many of our members make it a point to meet every new person walking through our doors! Expect to be greeted, befriended, and invited to join us!

Informal, casual attire is the norm for many of our attendors. Our parking lot and worship spaces are fully accessible.

Our worship services are followed by fellowship hour, where everyone has a chance to visit and enjoy some light refreshments. This is at the core of our culture, as we are a loving and connected community, that deeply cares about one another.


We love music here at SHUMC. Our services feature ever-changing musical worship pieces that accompany and enhance the sermon.

At our 8:30 am Sunday worship, our Band of Believers performs lively contemporary worship music and contemporized traditional music.

At our 10:00 am Sunday Service, our traditional Choir leads us with spirited hymns.


Community is important to us here at SHUMC, both within our walls and outside of them.

We have many programs to help and support the greater community, from our support of Justa Center, which helps homeless seniors, to support groups, and collections of local schools needing supplies. We are always finding new ways to support and uplift our community.

An active community

One thing most visitors are surprised by is just how active we are here at SHUMC. We love getting together to serve, worship, and grow.

Our activities and programs are always expanding. There’s something to do for everyone! From low-impact exercise classes, hobby clubs, and concerts, to volunteer opportunities, missions, and support groups, we foster an active and connected community of belonging, believing, and becoming.

Meet Our Pastors

Rev. Deborah Lerner
Senior Pastor

I have the great privilege to serve in this wonderful congregation as Lead Herder of Cats. It is often challenging, but in truth there is nothing more fulfilling than working with a group of creative, curious, interesting, independent, and devoted pastors and staff who love Jesus and want to share his love with the world. My job is to keep us all heading in the right direction to fulfill our mission: to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world; and our vision: to be a place where the beloved children of God can first find a place of belonging, then discover the promise of what it means to believe, and finally to become all God has for them to be and do. It is a high calling and honor to serve in this way.

Along the way, we have a lot of fun, with each other and with those who call Shepherd of the Hills “home.” I also serve as Lead Herder of Cats in a family that includes three strong-minded sons, a lovely daughter-in-law, and three beautiful grandchildren.  I am grateful for all of them.

I hope you will come and check us out!

Pastor Daniel Gomez
Associate Pastor

I grew up in San Diego, CA with my parents, four sisters, and two brothers. I am a proud Dad to my three sons – Ezekiel (Eze), Paul, and Eli. All three of them continue to serve God in their own faith journeys.

I have a passion for worship, pastoral care, community outreach, and evangelism. I completed my course of study program at Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, TX. I am grateful to have served at University UMC in Las Vegas, NV, Red Mountain UMC, and Velda Rose UMC in Mesa, AZ. I began serving at Shepherd of The Hills UMC on July 1, 2023.

I have a love for hats and enjoy walking and hiking. I am also an avid soccer fan and love tasting foods from around the world. One of my favorite quotes is, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” I am committed to aligning with the church’s mission and vision so that we may GO together!

Rev. Ron Friesen
Part-Time Assistant Minister of Care

“Life is difficult.” With these three words, Scott Peck begins his best-selling book, The Road Less Travelled. Recognizing this reality for many people, I am excited to use my many years of experience as a mental health professional, a chaplain of the homeless, a hospital chaplain, and a hospice chaplain here at Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church. I love praying with people in a hospital room, in their homes, or over the phone. My sanctuary away from this ministry is cared for by my wife, June, and our two large Czech Shepherds, Sasha and Karma. As the sign says at our door, “This house is protected by Karma.”

Rev. Cliff Asay
Part-Time Minister of Digital Arts

Rev. Cliff Asay has a long and distinguished record of service in our conference. He was the organizing pastor of North Scottsdale United Methodist Church and conducted its first building program. In several appointments, he helped local churches develop video ministries and worked to improve their communications strategies. He spent two years serving the Rocky Mountain Conference as their Communications Director. He has experience and ongoing training in sound technology, video production and editing, live streaming, graphic arts, newsletter production, and a variety of other invaluable areas.

Meet Our Staff

Luna Lorenzano
Director of Communications & Outreach

Geni Phillips
Ministry Assistant for Connections

Ken Goodenberger
Director of Music

Julie Killebrew
Part-time Health Education Facilitator

Tanner Akers
Sound Technician

Bill Moore

Jodi De Luca
Administrative Secretary

Vicki Lovell
Financial Secretary

Jessica Lunceford
Assistant Secretary

Shawn McMullen
Maintenance Engineer & Security

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